OnyxUI handles theming through a module called Themer
. Themer allows you to customize components throughout OnyxUI, with support for things like colors, corner radiuses, paddings, etc. You'll also probably want to reference it within your own UI for a more consistent design.
Sample themes
Making your own theme
Check out ThemeSpec.luau for a full reference of available theme properties.
- Copy the following code into a new "
" module
local Themer = OnyxUI.Themer
local Scoped = Fusion.scoped
local Scope = Scoped()
local MyTheme = Themer.NewTheme(Scope, {
-- Specify theme properties here
return MyTheme
- Specify the properties you want
- Use it when constructing your UI
local MyTheme = require(
local Themer = OnyxUI.Themer
local Theme = Themer.Theme:now() -- This now returns MyTheme!
-- Any UI constructed from this callback will also use MyTheme.