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Getting Started


OnyxUI is premature software, relying on the premature software Fusion. It will, at times, move fast and break things™️. If that doesn't deter you, get ready to enjoy how easy UI can be. ✨

Fusion 0.2 users:

While it's recommended to use Fusion 0.3, OnyxUI offers an old version for Fusion 0.2. It will not receive any updates, and lacks the major improvements of newer OnyxUI versions.


Wally package

  1. Copy the Wally details
  2. Paste it into your wally.toml dependencies
  3. Run wally install

Roblox model


When using the rbxm, you must require the copy of Fusion bundled within it, rather than your own install. Or alternatively, switch to Wally to avoid this altogether.

  1. Download the OnyxUI.rbxm file listed here
  2. Insert OnyxUI.rbxm into Roblox Studio

Usage Example

Here's a basic component example, making use of some of OnyxUI's features.

local OnyxUI = require(
local Fusion = require(

local Themer = OnyxUI.Themer
local InnerScope = Fusion.innerScope
local Util = OnyxUI.Util

return function(Scope: Fusion.Scope<any>, Props)
local Scope = InnerScope(Scope, Fusion, OnyxUI.Util, OnyxUI.Components)
local Theme = Themer.Theme:now()

return Scope:Card {
BackgroundColor3 = Util.Colors.Gray["200"],
Padding = Scope:Computed(function(Use)
return, Use(Theme.Spacing["2"]))

See it in action ✨