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OnyxUI handles theming through a module called Themer. Themer allows you to customize components throughout OnyxUI, with support for things like colors, corner radiuses, paddings, etc. You'll also probably want to reference it within your own UI for a more consistent design.

Sample themes

Making your own theme


Check out ThemeSpec.luau for a full reference of available theme properties.

  1. Copy the following code into a new "MyTheme" module

    local Themer = OnyxUI.Themer
    local Scoped = Fusion.scoped

    local Scope = Scoped()

    local MyTheme = Themer.NewTheme(Scope, {
    -- Specify theme properties here

    return MyTheme
  2. Specify the properties you want

  3. Use it when constructing your UI

    local MyTheme = require(

    local Themer = OnyxUI.Themer

    local Theme = Themer.Theme:now() -- This now returns MyTheme!
    -- Any UI constructed from this callback will also use MyTheme.